
Fast-Food Breakfast Combo May Feature Digestive Enzymes on the Prowl and Diabetes

May 28, 2019

Fast-Food Breakfast Combo May Feature Digestive Enzymes on the Prowl and Diabetes

In a paper recently published online in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, physicians and bioengineers at the University of California San Diego used a new set of fluorescent peptides to illuminate a molecular digestive enzyme mechanism that occurs after consumption of a typical fast-food chain American-style breakfast, one that may be contributing to the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Full Story

Two engineers win Excellence in Stewardship awards

May 22, 2019

Two engineers win Excellence in Stewardship awards

Shu Chien, a professor of bioengineering and the department’s founding chair, and Jesse DeWald, staff director of the Envision Arts and Engineering Maker Studio, were both recognized with Excellence in Stewardship awards this year. Full Story

UC San Diego Ranked Ninth in World in Biomedical Sciences

May 16, 2019

UC San Diego Ranked Ninth in World in Biomedical Sciences

In its first-ever assessment of biomedical institutions around the world, based upon published research in a targeted set of high-quality scientific journals, the 2019 Nature Index ranked University of California San Diego ninth among the top 200 institutions in biomedical sciences worldwide. Among the top 200 academic institutions in biomedical sciences in the United States, UC San Diego ranked sixth. Full Story