Isabelle Lam

Photo of Isabelle Lam, MS Plan II,  2023

Describe your background
I received a BS in Biomedical Engineering and specialized in BioPhotonics

Describe your area of research and/or your area of specialty
My area of research/ speciality is Medical Imaging.

Describe your involvement within the department and UC San Diego (were/are you involved in student orgs, recreation, certificate programs, internships, etc. outside of curricular requirements?)
I was involved in the Bioengineering Graduate Society (BEGs). I served as the co-chair for Breakfast with Industry (BWI), an event where students and local industry professionals from the San Diego region can connect. 

Have you received any outstanding mentorship or guidance during your time in the program that made an impact on your research and/or the trajectory of your career?
Yes, I enjoyed conversations about my career path with my professor, Dr. Contijoch, as well as conversations about general academic pursuits, with Sandra, the Bioengineering Counselor. 

What has been your favorite part about your graduate experience in the program?
My favorite part about my graduate experience is the networking opportunities at a well known school such as UCSD.

Any thoughts or advice you'd like to share with prospective graduate students?
Even before you begin the program, most professors are greatly willing to get some help with their projects. Try to join some of their lab meetings early on to get a feel for the projects and people.