BMES National Outstanding Student Chapter Award

Congratulations UCSD Chapter!

2019-2020 Student Chapter Awards
The Student Affairs Subcommittee has selected five exemplary Student Chapter programs to receive awards for their 2019-2020 efforts. They will each receive:
  • Eight complimentary meeting registrations;
  • A Trophy of Excellence
  • A BMES Swag Box
  • A dedicated program space on the 2020 Virtual Meeting Platform
  • A dedicated webinar titled “How to Be the Best Chapter You Can Be”, released at the 2020 Virtual Meeting
We had many amazing submissions this year – The Student Affairs Subcommittee is excited to see all the work being accomplished by our Student Chapters in communities around the world and we encourage you to continue this work for the 2020-2021 year. Thank you for your great efforts to increase STEM awareness and for highlighting the BME field of study.
Check out all the Award Winners CDR's on the BMES Webpage!
Read the CDR's Here
Outstanding Chapter Award
This year’s Outstanding Chapter Award goes to the University Of California - San Diego led by chapter president Reo Yoo.
It pays to be thorough, and with an averaged score of 163.67, UCSD demonstrated an ability to be a well-rounded, hardworking, and efficient in their chapter activities. 
From hosting a Bioengineering day where students can network with professionals and present research, to outreach events like Light the Night; a leukemia awareness walk, UCSD sets an example for all chapters. 
Congratulations to each of University Of California - San Diego's chapter members for your hard work and dedication!
Commendable Achievement Award
The 2019 Commendable The 2020 Commendable Achievement Award goes to the University of California - Los Angeles, led by chapter president Izabella Samuel.
UCLA's 150.50 points awarded them the Commendable Achievement award, but it was their dedication to their Industry activities and their Outreach programs that really set them apart. Izabella also put great work into ensuring her submitted CDR was a pleasant and graphically well-designed document, which the reviewers deeply appreciated. 
Congratulations to members of the University of California - Los Angeles!
Outstanding Outreach Award
Scoring a record point total of 28.50 in the Outstanding Outreach programs category, this year’s awardee for the Outstanding Outreach Award goes to the University of Southern California, led by chapter president Dominie Miyasato.
USC not only conducted year round programs to teach and encourage elementary, middle, and high school students about STEM, but used the opportunity of virtual education in a COVID world to demonstrate fun, kid-friendly, STEM experiments on youtube. 
Thank you to the student chapter at the University of Southern California for your devotion to your community!
Outstanding Mentoring Program Award
With a score of 29.83 points in the Mentoring Program category, the student chapter with the best Mentoring Program is Purdue University, led by their undergraduate student president Emma Simmons, and their graduate student president Mazin Hakim.
Purdue's mentoring program was built to help upperclassmen develop leadership skills by guiding the underclassmen through the challenges of BME. By focusing on creating fun and fulfilling events their program bonded the participating members together to create a worthwhile experience at Purdue. 
Thank you, Purdue, for your dedication to the future of BME!
Outstanding Chapter-Industry Program Award
The highest scorer, with 31 points in the Chapter-Industry category, and the winner of this outstanding award goes to The University of Pittsburgh, led by chapter president Tyler Bray. 
From hosting a Career Fair, a Bioengineering day, mock interviews, and resume reviews for their students to practice their soft skills, networking events, and tours with local industry, Pitt BMES took full advantage of every opportunity they could create to provide a strong jumping-off point for their graduates. The more a chapter interacts with the local industry the stronger of a vantage point their members will have when entering the post-academic world. 
Congratulations to the University of Pittsburgh for your success with the local BME Industry. 
Chapter Travel Award Winners
Three chapters were selected to win the Chapter Travel Award, and they were chosen due to the tenacity and growth they displayed as a chapter during the 2019-2020 school year. The chapter travel awardees will receive 10 complimentary meeting registrations to the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. 
Congratulations to:
Complimentary Student Membership
BMES awards those chapters who write a Chapter Development Report each year with one complimentary national student membership upon submission of a CDR. 
Any chapter that submitted a CDR for the 2019-2020 year should have received an email from BMES regarding a single complimentary student membership. If you submitted a CDR but did not receive that email please reach out to